Material batagor :
5 pieces of tofu
100 grams of peeled shrimp , finely chopped
50 ounces chicken meat , finely chopped
1 egg , beaten off
3 tbsp cornflour
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1 tsp salt
1 tsp sesame oil
2 scallions , thinly sliced
Taste cooking oil for frying 

Batagor coating material ( mix ) :
Btr 1 egg , beaten off
50 g of wheat
100 ml of waterBatagor sauce ingredients :
100 ml boiled water
1 tsp vinegar cookBatagor peanut sauce :
2 tbsp fried peanuts
2 pieces of red chili fries
2 cloves of garlic
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp saltHow to make batagor :
Cut the know into a triangular shape , scrape the middle out to the sunken
Puree part know the results scrape out the middle section was then mixed with chicken , shrimp , and other materials . Stir until smooth .
Fill the center of the dough out with tofu, chicken , and shrimp until the surface is covered .
Steamed out for 20 minutes until cooked , then remove and let cool
Dip dye out the dough , then fried in hot oil over medium heat until cooked yellow
Remove and drain
Make chili vinegar mix by way of water, vinegar , and spices . Stir until smooth
    Batagor Serve warm with a splash of vinegar sauce